Friday, January 7, 2011

Productivity is rewarded....with a night out!

What a productive day I had! I met Jonathan early this morning to apply for food stamps. Hey, I'm a volunteer....that does not equal the big bucks! I was lucky to get an appointment and get it all finalized today. I also registered to vote at the Department of Human Services. Then I went to the library and got a library card and got myself a nightstand book (Oprah's biography--don't judge) and a bus book (a bus book is something that weighs less than 1.5lbs and can be easily stored in my bag and is small enough to hold on to while juggling a wallet and bus pass, gloves, and either a rain coat or an umbrella).
I finallyyy finished organizing my room. I'm hoping my box that mom shipped with some more home-y stuff will get here tomorrow so I can put more pictures up and have a few more things to decorate with. This is the first time in my life though that I have not filled up every crevice available to me! Former roommates--you know how much "decorative" stuff builds up and becomes junk in my room.
Hope you like the changes to my room! I love it and am so cozy and comfortable in it. I'll take pictures of the house soon so you can see how adorable the rest of it is.

I'm going to my first meet-up group tonight. The group is for those new to Portland. It looks like there should be about 15 people there. From looking at the profiles of the people that RSVP'd yes there seem to be a lot of other people brand new to the city so I'm a little less intimidated to go alone. YES I am an independent, single woman! An I plan on embracing that. :D We're going to a bar downtown, about a 25 minute bus ride from me, to have drinks and listen to live music. I think it will be a good time.

Big hugs across the country and across the pond!

Just wanted to show it with the lights off in this one.

This is from the door. You can't tell but the room is really big. Probably about the size of my room in the Tallahassee townhouse last year, minus the little alcove and the bathroom. I feel so lucky!


  1. what a beautiful room, stephanie - you little nester :)

  2. I love the room. It's got such a warm feeling to it and I'm glad it feels roomy to you. Your first week was so productive and hopefully the credit card will be able to stay less active now that you are set up. That first trip can be shocking...just ask Alissa about the trips to Target and Home Depot in Cincinnati!

    It sounds like you are going to be working with a wonderful person at your school.

    Have a great weekend. Love you!

  3. Your room is soooo pretty!! Sounds like you're having a great time - I can't wait to see more pictures of the city soon! :)

  4. I agree :) Your room looks GREAT! Congrats! <3 So proud of you. Go rock Portland! <3

  5. WOW i love it!! Hmmm...wherever did you get those icicle lights idea from?? and oh I like that necklace hanger...oh my so many cute things! Cool green bedspread...ikea or target i suppose. LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to visit!!
