Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Portlandia

OY to the VEY! I cannot believe I haven't even been here for a month. Really, I can't believe that. Jonathan and I decided that it feels like I've been here since I visited in December. 

I'm figuring out my job a little bit easier now. I've been able to write lesson plan for the next few weeks so I don't have to think so hard about it every day. It was gorgeously sunny and in the upper 40's this week so I took my kids outside a lot. They only get 12 minutes of recess every day! 

I'm kind of getting in to my routines now. I'm usually pretty tired after work. Keeley and I have started running in the mornings but I think we'll switch it to after work since it's getting a lot lighter. We're training to run the Shamrock 10K in March and we've got a lottt of work to do. 

I did my first bike ride as a way of transportation yesterday! I'm still using Diane's bike which is fine but I want a lighter, more road-friendly bike. Hopefully I'll be buying one within the next couple of weeks! Since its been so pretty out lately I've gotten really excited about being able to ride instead of taking the bus. 

So far everything is really going well. I'm at such a healthier place than I thought I could be after only 3 weeks. I just cannot believe how easy things are with friends and acclimating to a new life. 

I'm crossing my fingers that Alissa may be able to visit for 10 days starting next Friday. OMG it would be so so amazing if she could be here for that long because we wouldn't have to rush around so much AND I'd get to show her everything that I know and love so far about this city!

Enjoy the pictures and thanks for reading!


My lovely children doing blind follow the leader type of activity that they ask me to repeat every single day. :)

Keeley! She's writing down our "get in shape and be healthy goals"

My living room!

From the front door.

The dining area looking from the living room.

You can see the kitchen through there too.

My bathroom that I share with my roommate. All of the houses around here are craftsman style which means they have cute archways and these awesome built-in's. I love the look of them. Man my HGTV skills have never been used so well before. :)

Downtown Portland!! God, she's such a beautiful city.

This is looking down Broadway, my favorite street downtown.

My friend from FL and I took a walk across one of the main bridges and got a great view of the city.

Awesome sign.

That's the MAX, our light rail. Very convenient!


  1. I wanna come visit!!! your new place looks amazing - and the city, how do you know she's a she? i bet you're absolutely right though :)

    aww love you stephanie!!

  2. It was fun Skyping with you yesterday and I do love your house. You will be a true 'Portlander' by the time we get there this summer. I really hope Alissa can get out there next weekend. That would be so great!

    Love you,

  3. I LOVE your house! Glad to hear you are settling in well. Last night I watched Man vs Food: Portland thinking it would be your Portland but it was Portland, Maine and instead of getting to tell you I knew a bit about your local cuisine I just got hungry watching lobster rolls on tv. So I'll keep looking.

  4. Your house looks AMAZING :) WOW! You are so lucky! Sounds like everything is going really well. Great for you! <3 I would LOVE to come and visit sometime :) Who knows! Miss you! B

  5. Where are you? I miss your updates.
