Thursday, January 6, 2011

Credit card usage....

....has been too frequent the last two days. I flew in yesterday at noon, rented a car, and began my shopping extravaganza. It was not intended to be an extravaganza but it turns out that things are expensive! And when you get a lot of things your credit card gets overheated.
I went to my adorable 1920's house to drop off my suitcases. I had two enormous suitcases, one carry-on size and one backpack. Plus the three jackets I was holding. So I lugged those all inside and resisted the temptation to go to sleep. Nope! I went to Target....and didn't leave for 3 hours! I think target can suck your life away almost as fast as TV can. Sad but true. However, after having spent 6 weeks in South America, I am oh so thankful to have the ability to spend 3 hours in a Target (Sarah S, you know what I mean).
Then I went to pick Jonathan up from work only to make him my servant boy for the rest of the night. He's so useful! We went grocery shopping and he helped me find all the cheap food and then got me $13 off with his Safeway card. I'm definitely getting one of those. Once we got back to my house and talked to my roommates a little bit we got to work on my room. We moved furniture back and forth and back again for a long time before finally deciding on a layout. The room is pretty much done. It just needs to be cleaned and some things need to be hung (oh Jonathannnnnn.... :)

Today he and I went boot shopping, to no avail. Boots are all on sale right now, which is great, but that means that the only sizes left are 10s and 11s. We're going to go downtown this weekend where there will be more places to look. I need boots! My toesies are cold. On my way back from dropping the car off at the airport I spent a good while in Ikea. Oops. I've never been in one before but I've always heard people raving about them. I looked around for a while. Things were cute but I really wasn't that overwhelmed like everyone else always seemed to be. That was until I asked where something was and I was told it was "downstairs". Downstairs?? What?! And that's when the damage happened. I found some cute icicle-type christmas lights for my room finally! I got a couple beautiful picture frames that will look great in my room. It was a good trip. Besides the hole that's now in my pocket I'm happy I went!

The shot of my room right when I got here. I'll post the changes once its all put together.

My helpful and fantastic Jonathan!

Shopping for boots and thinking of our friend Snoop.

About to go in.....bad bad idea!

So far everything is going great. Yes the bus seems to take a while to get me anywhere but I'll adjust. I'm happy right now and I plan on staying that way for while while I'm out here.


  1. I want to see a picture of the house!! I can't wait to live in a house, even a small one, I'm so tired of apartments. And do you live alone?
    And thanks for the shout out, Target owns my soul man.

  2. Sounds like you went on a shopping spree! Don't worry, you need all of that stuff for the next year of your life! I have so many questions, going to facebook message you instead. :)
